Alexander Pushkin



Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is buried beside his mother at Svyatogorsky Monastery, near Mikhailovskoye, Russia.

Tomb of Alexander Pushkin

Pushkin died as a result of a pistol wound sustained in a duel with Baron Georges d'Anthès who, allegedly, was having an affair with his wife Natalya. Pushkin married the beautiful 16 year old Natalya Nikolayevna Goncharova in 1832 but their marriage was not a happy one.

The Tsar, fearing a popular uprising, had Pushkin buried in secret on February 6, 1837. Pushkin, a controversial figure, had previously been expelled from St Petersburg and from the Russian civil service for his revolutionary writings. He was also involved with the radical group who instigated the 1825 Decembrist uprising.

Pushkin is widely regarded as Russia's greatest poet and the forefather of modern Russian literature. He mixed Old Slavonic with colloquial Russian to create a powerful lyrical language.

Pushkin's masterpiece was the verse novel Eugene Onegin (1833). It concerns the romantic exploits of a dashing young aristocrat and provided a rich cast of characters that subsequent Russian writers drew upon.


Pushkin was influenced by the work of English romantic poets such as Lord Byron and Sir Walter Scott.

Pushkin's other poetic works include Winter Evening (1825), The Prophet (1826), Ruslan and Ludmilla (1820) and The Gypsies (1824). He also wrote plays and short stories. In fact, Tchaikovsky based an opera on his story The Queen of Spades.

Love passed, the muse appeared, the weather
of mind got clarity newfound;
now free, I once more weave together
emotion, thought and magic sound.

From Eugene Onegin






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